It is not surprising that after years working as a baker and pastry chef, my photographic interests have evolved into shooting food. Food photography is a still life specialization of commercial photography, aimed at producing attractive photographs of food for use in advertisements, packaging, menus or cookbooks. Professional food photography is a collaborative effort, usually involving an art director, a photographer, a food stylist, a prop stylist and their assistants (Manna, Lou; Moss, Bill. Digital Food Photography, 2005).

A food photographer I admire is Tim Hill from the United Kingdom.
Featured here are several shots I am planning to use for my professional portfolio. I have prepared and styled the strawberry mousse, cheese tea biscuit with raspberry jam and the chocolate dipped swans with choux paste and icing sugar. The goal is to present the food in an appealing and appetizing way working with lighting and shadows to accentuate the colour and texture of the food. These photos are taken with a Canon 60D camera. I have always enjoyed experimenting with recipes and now I’m able to pair this interest with my passion for photography. My intention is to work in the commercial photography field with a particular emphasis on a food photography niche.