Mythology – the Centaur

The assignment is to produce images from mythology. Every country or race has it’s own set of God’s. The God’s would be nothing without the people for the stories that are passed on down from generation to generation deal with how the God’s have interacted with us. Often the God’s dealt indirectly with man through various creatures. In Norse Mythology we have the Fenris wolf and Midgard Serpent. In Greek mythology we have fauns, centaurs and the minotaur to name a few.

centaur1 centaur 2
Centaurs are half man and half horse. They appeared in Greek mythology about the same time that the nomads from the North started to raid on horseback. Some thought being that this was the first time the Greeks had seen someone riding a horse.

The biggest challenge was to recreate the same lighting conditions both days. The horse and man being shot two days apart about 6:00 to 6:30 pm. Sunset is at 7 and the light declines rapidly at that time.

Would like to do a Minotaur as well but so far have not found a cow that would cooperate and look in the right direction.

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